Word of the Day: OBLIVION


noun \ə-ˈbli-vē-ən, ō-, ä-\

: the state of something that is not remembered, used, or thought about any more

: the state of being unconscious or unaware : the state of not knowing what is going on around you

: the state of being destroyed

Full Definition of OBLIVION

1:  the fact or condition of forgetting or having forgotten; especially :  the condition of being oblivious
2:  the condition or state of being forgotten or unknown

Examples of OBLIVION

  1. The technology is destined for oblivion.
  2. The names of the people who lived here long ago have faded into oblivion.
  3. His theories have faded into scientific oblivion.
  4. Her work was rescued from oblivion when it was rediscovered in the early 1900s.
  5. After being awake for three days straight, he longed for the oblivion of sleep.
  6. She drank herself into oblivion.
  7. The little village was bulldozed into oblivion to make way for the airport.

Origin of OBLIVION

Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin oblivion-, oblivio, from oblivisci to forget, perhaps from ob- in the way + levis smooth — more at ob-, levigate

First Known Use: 14th century



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