Word of the Day: Sarcasm


noun \ˈsär-ˌka-zəm\

: the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny

Full Definition of SARCASM

1:  a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain

2a :  a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual

b :  the use or language of sarcasm

Examples of SARCASM

  1. a voice full of sarcasm
  2. <I know you’re not happy, but there’s no need to resort to petty sarcasms to make your point.>
  3. That was my favorite show yet this tour, Banks says. I love audiences that are ambivalent. For a second, I think he’s laying on the sarcasm, until he continues. I really like the chance to win people over. —David Peisner, Spin, August 2007
  4. The best part of being single, Bryce Donovan jokes, is being able to choose any woman I want to shoot me down. Such self-deprecating sarcasm is the trademark of this newsman’s four-year-old weekly column It Beats Working in the Charleston Post and Courier. —People, 26 June 2006
  5. But see, I say … in my line of work I’m supposed to dress in a way that makes clients feel sorry for me, or better yet superior to me. I think I accomplish that pretty well. Paul looks over at me again with a distasteful look that might be ready to slide into sarcasm, only he doesn’t know if I’m making fun of him. He says nothing. —Richard Ford, Independence Day, (1995) 1996
  6. “I know I could never compete with bread and circuses celebrity status. He’s such an awesome interviewer. All of those hard hitting questions.” Wendytheredhead 2014 – that quote is penned with the intent of sarcasm.

Origin of SARCASM

French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwarəs- to cut

First Known Use: 1550

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